Category: Tech Tips

Keyboard Shortcuts

Note: these will be for Mac, but there are usually equivalent alternatives for Windows. Try using Ctrl instead of Cmd


  • General
    • Cmd + C - Copy
    • Cmd + V - Paste
    • Cmd + Tab - Switch Apps
  • Web
    • Cmd + T - new tab
    • Cmd + Shift + T - open last closed tab
    • Ctrl + Tab - switch tabs


  • Use the Command Key in combination with the arrow keys to jump to beginning / end of line
    • Use with Shift key to highlight the whole line
  • Web
    • Cmd + Shift + R - Force Refresh Page (Re-download from Server)


  • Use the Option key in combination with the arrow keys to jump by word
    • Combine with the Shift key to select one word at a time
    • Combine with the Delete key (backward) or Fn + Delete (forward) to delete one word at a time